2002: Nov 25: Nikki and I went to the West Springfield, MA shows to debut in Utility A. Unfortunately, no legs out of two tries, but she was very cute while NQ'ing. :-) We'll be trying again in January. However, on a plus note, Nikki's son Rio keeps racking up the titles and earned a WC on his first attempt! Oct 20: FLASH!! Rio earned his Junior Hunter title! Go RIO!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a fabulously talented boy and many thanks to Pat, his owner, for letting his talents shine. :-) Oct 17: Just got back our photo from Nikki's Veteran's Novice obedience win at the 2002 Garden State Golden Retriever Specialty. Check it out here. Oct 14: The Puppy Buying Guide is here!!! It's a work in progress, so be patient. It's a lot of information, but I've included a table of contents so that you can skip around if you choose. Currently, this is the only place you can link to it until I finalize it and add it to my menus. Enjoy. I hope it's helpful. Oct 14: Moved 2001 What's New information to a new page - The Archives. This way, this page will stay a little more uncluttered, but you can still see what Trinity dogs were up to in the past - and also how this web site is progressing. Oct 13: Rio earned two more JH legs!!! One to go!!! Yeah Rio!! Oct 6: Nikki places 1st in her Veterans Novice Obedience class with a score of 197.5 at the Garden State Golden Retrieve Club Specialty. Rio, her son, earns his first leg of his Junior Hunter title (JH) and Nikki's full brother Beau earns his Champion Tracker title (CT) making him part of a very elite group and making him CH CT Manor's Spring Golden Beau UDTX JH WCX. What a weekend! What a group!!! Sept 29: Rio earns his UKC Started Hunting Retriever title in 4 straight tests. This is Trinity's first Hunting Title proving that these guys CAN do it all!!! Aug 24: Luke placed 3rd in his Novice class, making it his 4th placement in 4 shows. Way to go Beth and Luke! I'm very proud of you guys. July 31: Too hot and humid outside these last few days here in NJ to be doing much training with the dogs, so trying to get stuff done here on the web site. Added a link on Nikki's page to a page for her littermates and a few photos of her sister Justy. Check out the page here. July 29: Added some new photos of Rio to his page. Check them out here. July 20: Luke's page is finally up. Check out his photos on his page and the current dog page. Additional comments on Nikki's and Rio's pages. Also added a page for the Billy Joel litter. Either access it from the Litters page or from here. May 26: Luke (from the Billy Joel litter) earned his CD in 3 straight shows with 3 placements from the Novice A class. Luke is now officially Trinity's Blonde Over Blue CD CGC. Watch for his page very soon! March 13: Added the Litters page (finally!). It's a work in progress, more information to follow. But see the great start here. Feb 5: FLASH! Harley does it! Makes the UKC's Final Top Ten Golden Retrievers for 2001. See Harley's page here. Jan 20: A belated Happy New Year!!! Come look through all the pages. There are several new photos of all the dogs on each of their pages. We had our first "real" snow fall and so out came the camera. The dogs and I had tons of fun today out playing in the snow. Also, Lexi now has her very own page! No puppy photos yet. Those are coming. And "How to find a Quality Golden Puppy" page is being worked on and should be up soon. Sorry for the delay! Thanks for visiting. Go to the Current Dogs page and visit everyone to see their new photos. 2001: Dec 7: Added some more shopping sites to the links page. As always, ALL these vendors I have personally bought from and their merchandise is of the highest quality and service is outstanding. At least in all my dealings with them. I will not put up any vendor who I have not personally tried or any that I have had problems with. I feel pretty secure in saying that you will be pleased with both products and service. As an aside. Watch for my puppy buying section! Coming soon!!! Dec 1 & 2 : Just got back from stewarding at the first All Star Performance Dog Association tournament. What a great job they did putting on the tournament! Congrats to all the winners. Some really outstanding dogs and handlers there. Come join us next year on Dec 6 - 8 for a few days of Agility and Obedience! Check the links page for more information. Nov 18: New photos on Dakota's and Tia's pages. Watch for Lexi's page soon! Nov 2: Dakota's page is up! Please forgive the spacing on some of the pages. I'm trying to learn to use my software "correctly" - hah! - and it's a SLOW process. I've converted most of my pages so please let me know if anything is amiss. Thanks! Oct 30: Happy Birthday to my Mom!!! A couple new shopping and training sites added. Wonderful embroidered Golden designs. Check them out here. Highly recommended. Also check out SA Designs' paw print decal - proceeds to profit search and rescue organizations. And, as a side note, Harley is STILL hanging out in UKC's top ten! Keeping my fingers crossed that we make it until the end! Oct 18: Added a link on the links page to a friend's compilation of patriotic graphics. Some are truly outstanding, some funny, some, a little odd. :-) Sept 29: Harley finishes his United Kennel Club Championship (pending confirmation) by winning Best Of Breed over a Special. However, he will probably be out of the Top Ten soon due to a lack of shows and competition here on the East Coast. However, it was great to see him there for the last several months. Check out Harley's page here. Sept 22: I had a suggestion to put a link to a wonderful and very touching Search and Rescue photo. As of today, it's there. Please drop me a line if you find it moved. Thanks! Check it out here. Sept 21: Welcome at the Rainbow Bridge page added. This is reprinted without permission, however, full credit is given to the author. I hope he doesn't mind. It's a very touching piece. Please take the time to read it. You can get to it from this page, or from my first page by clicking on the flag or ribbon. Sept 11: There are no words to describe the horror that occurred today. Just know that all my prayers and thoughts are with the families of the dead and missing; with all the firemen, policeman and rescue workers; volunteer workers; and the search & rescue teams of dogs and handlers. Sept 8: Added in photos of Audrey's African Safari. Right now the only link to them is through here or throught the links page. Captions will follow. Until then, enjoy the photos! Note that it is a very graphic intensive page. Please be patient while the photos load. It'll be worth the wait! Sep 3: Golden Re-Triever Rescue, Inc. - NJ's rescue group added to the Rescue Page. Sep 2: Dakota places 3rd in the Open Dog class at Sussex Hills Kennel Club show. It's his second time in the ring! Now, I really need to get his page up. Once again, breeder-owner-handled! Sep 1: Dakota (Trinity's I Go To Extremes) makes the cut in the Open Dog class at Newton Kennel Club's show. This is Dakota's debut in the breed ring. Breeder-owner-handled! Sep 1: Added in a guest book to my home page - please sign in! Aug 29: New picture added to Harley's page and the Rainbow Bridge page. Aug 22: The legend of the Rainbow Bridge added. Aug 19: Health clearances and new photos added to Harley and Nikki's pages. Aug 18: Classic's page added. Dogs of the past updated to include Classic. Aug 17: Fini's page added. Dogs of the past page added. New items on Links page. Aug 13: Harley's 4th birthday! Where does the time go??? Aug 6: New page added - rescue story. Remember, any rescue group wishing to be listed on the rescue page, just email me here or from the rescue page. All listings free of charge. Aug 5: Rio earns his first UKC Open leg (U-CDX) down in Texas with a 3rd place. Congrats!!! July 29: Rescue page added. All pages updated to hopefully improve viewing with Netscape. July 27: FLASH!!!! Harley makes the UKC top 10 in conformation for Golden Retrievers (based on BOB points). He debuts tied for #4!!! Check out the rankings here or at Harley's page. July 23: We've moved to our new home - www.trinitygoldens.com OR www.trinitygoldenretrievers.com. Both will get you here!!! Change your bookmarks!!!! July 17: Reformatted site to be best viewed in 800 x 600 dpi July 14: Trinty's Perfect Storm's (Tia) page added. July 9: U-CH U-CD Trinity's River of Dreams CD CGC's (Rio) page added. June 30 - July 1st: Northeastern Multi-Breed & Obedience Club's UKC Shows, Freehold, NJ - Harley goes Best Male/Best of Winners/Best of Breed for 70 points towards his UKC Championship, earning 2 of 3 needed majors. |
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